Resources for Pre & Post Transplant Recipients
TRIO's Transplant Presentation Library
A comprehensive video library to empower the transplant community through education.
Support Groups by State
Check out UNOS’ list of support groups in your State.
Mentoring Program
ATF’s mentorship program for those awaiting transplant.
Top Support Groups
verywell health’s list of top support groups by transplant type.
"When you are going through the transplant process, your doctors and health care providers, as good as they are, can only give you part of the story."
— TREY -Kidney Transplant Recipient, American Transplant Foundation Mentee
Financial Resources
UNOS Financial Resources Directory
Organizations that provide financial assistance to transplant candidates or recipients and their families.
Fundraising Support
Work with the Children’s Organ Transplant Association to help remove the financial barriers to a life saving transplant.
National Foundation for Transplant Guide
The NFT connects you with a fundraising consultant to assess financial needs and find funding.
American Transplant Foundation Guide
Helpful resources for financial assistance for living donors and transplant recipients.
Resources for those awaiting transplant
How to Find a Living Donor
Guide from UNOS to help make your transplant happen.
"The Wait"
In this resource, Gift of Life Family House walks through the waiting process from receiving news of needing a transplant to surgery and resources to support you during this time.
The Waiting List
Learn more about how the organ transplant waiting list works in this article from Gift of Life Family House.
Unraveling Emotional Issues while Awaiting a Transplant
Waiting to receive a new organ can be a long, trying process for patients and families alike. This resource from Gift of Life Family House walks through resources to help cope.